Hello! I am not a writer, but I love to write. Â Fair warning-if you are bothered by a few grammatical errors here and there, you may want to run! If not, let me introduce myself.
My name is Christy. I started this blog when I was a 51 year old mother of seven. I am now almost 55 years old. Much has changed in the past four years since deciding to write a blog, but much has remained the same. I have four biological sons, one stepson, and two stepdaughters. The kids range  in age from 37 years to 19. All of my children are now grown and living out of the home. I had five grandchildren when I set up this blog. I now have eleven grandchildren, with another grandson due to arrive in the spring. In my count of grandchildren I of course include our first angel granddaughter in heaven. We also have one grandson that I unfortunately have never met due to circumstances beyond our control, but he will always remain in my heart.
With this big brood, I have stories out the wazoo! 😊

I have racked up a whole bunch of life experiences in my 54 years. Teen pregnancy, poverty, Â divorce, remarriage, blended families, grief, celebrations, juggling college with family and full time jobs- these are just a few of my personal experiences. I worked in Early Childhood education at Head Start for 19 years, have been a domestic violence survivor advocate, and for the past several years I have been a mental health case manager. As of January 1, 2022 , I am proud to say I have retired!
How did I come up with the name Cookies and Cursewords? Well… even though I strongly believe in the power of positivity and finding goodness in everyday life, love the kids and grandkids, love holidays and baking, simple pleasures, etc….I also have a “not so sweet” side that shows up from time to time. But, this is life and we have to take the salty with the sweet. Welcome to my Sweet and Salty Life!