Ever Heard of Chub Rub? What NOT to Do!!

Ever Heard of Chub Rub? What NOT to Do!!

I share a lot in my blog posts, and sometimes they are quite difficult to write.  Many times I share personal life experiences in the hope that I can help somebody else that may be in a similar situation.  After some long, hard thought I decided to share a recent experience..something that I would not wish on any other human.  Here is my ordeal with “chub rub“!!

How it all started..

It began like any other Saturday in the Davis household.  No need to set an alarm, so I slept in a bit later than usual.  This winter has seemed to drag on forever, so I was pleasantly surprised to see the sun shining and hear the birds chirping. It seemed almost springlike.  “This would be a great day to go to the dump and get that pile of crap out of our front yard”, I told my husband.

Let me back track a bit.  Last fall my husband decided that he could replace the engine in my step-daughter’s pickup “in one weekend”.  I highly discouraged this idea, because the last time he swapped an engine in my driveway it took over a month.  He assured me that wouldn’t be the case this time, and that this was definitely just a weekend job.  I knew he was going to do it, no matter how much I bitched.  Well, here we are..5 months later.  The engine-less truck is still sitting in my driveway (along with another non-running vehicle that belongs to my married son).

To top all of this off, we have been working on one of our bedrooms and have a bunch of remodel trash, including an entire roomful of ripped out carpet.  Since it’s been cold and snowy for ages, my husband piled all of this junk in the back of the engine-less truck.  Picture it.  Beautiful, eh? Not even a tarp on top of the junk.  Just a truckload of junk.

Lately I’ve truly been feeling like I live in a junkyard. The inside of my house is clean, I swear!  If my teenage son was embarrassed about a wooden crafted sign in my yard, he should really be proud of the way the house has recently been looking! All I can say is, I’m glad I don’t live in an HOA area…

Back to the REAL story..

So, on this beautiful Saturday morning we decided to get something done.  We borrowed a pickup and moved all of the trash from the bed of the engine-less truck to the bed of the borrowed one.  We worked hard, loading this junk and gathering any other dump worthy items we could find.  After we got back home, I did housework and some yardwork, too.  I worked up a good sweat (pretty proud of that).  Unfortunately, I also worked up a sweat in my groin region!

Now, my husband has often come home from work and spoke of being “gaulded”. I actually searched the dictionary for this word, but couldn’t find it.  I have heard the term used before, though.  His job is very physical at times, and this is pretty common for him.  I’ve seen him come home, soak in a hot tub, and slather vaseline all over the touchy areas.

Luckily, I’ve never really had that problem..until this day.  I guess it was a combination of sweat and friction, but boy, was I hurting! The area where my legs/thighs meet the “rest of my body” was red and raw.  I searched for Vaseline, but couldn’t find any.  I did have a jar of Vicks Vapor Rub, but I knew better than to put it on THAT area(even though I have put Vicks in some questionable areas before..another story for another time).

My husband suggested that I just use the antifungal spray that we had in the medicine cabinet.  It is used for jock itch, he’s used it before, yada yada yada…

Okay, Anything for Relief..

How can I describe the next few minutes without giving out TMI(too much information)?  I cannot,  so here goes…

I grabbed the can of spray and locked my bedroom door.  Spread eagle on the bed with the can of spray in my hand, I carefully aimed ONLY at the crease of the legs where the “chub rub” was located.  With a deep breath,  I pushed the nozzle and sprayed.  Okay, not bad.  Wait…I take that back!

Oh Holy Mother of a Son of a Biscuit!!!!  What the Flippity Fu….dge??  

My groin was BURNING!  I swear there should have been flames coming from it!    I wanted to scream at my husband, but no sound would come out of my open mouth.  It was like I was in one of those horror movies where something so horrible is happening that the person can’t even scream!

I turned the fan on that I keep by my bed  and positioned my affected region right in front of the cooling waves of air.  I’m so sorry for that picture in your minds, but it’s all part of the story. 🙂 After about 5 minutes, the pain subsided.  Not just the scorching, burning, searing devil pain of the spray..all of the pain.  The chafing actually felt much better, and the rest of the night felt great.  I asked my husband if he knew that this would happen, and he said “oh yeah, it stings a little bit at first”.


If this ever happens to me again, I hope we have some Vaseline.  If not, I’ll have to think long and hard before spraying that stuff in my affected region (even though it did end up helping)!

One more thing..although it is affectionately called ‘chub rub”, thin people can also be affected by chafing.  I did some research and found that runners and joggers also experience chafing, as well as people that work long hours in the heat.

Ways to prevent chafing

  1. Stay hydrated
  2. Lubricate target areas before exercise
  3. Keep crevice areas as dry as possible with non-talcum body powder (talcum has been linked to ovarian cancer).


I can’t believe I just shared that.  🙂