Hiding from the Cookies

Hiding from the Cookies

Are Girl Scout cookie sales over yet? Can I open my eyes now? Can I come out from my hiding place? Ha! Don’t get me wrong..I have nothing against Girl Scout cookies. I LOVE them! My entire family loves them.

I usually buy at least ten boxes a year. I have a few people that I buy from regularly, and since I have a hard time turning them down I usually end up with a box or two from random people coming door to door. I also have a very difficult time passing by those little girls that sit outside of the store freezing their butts off to make sales. The least I can do is buy a box of cookies when it’s so cold that their little happy smiles are frozen on their faces. Besides, did I mention that I LOVE the cookies? 🙂

Not This Year..

I knew it was coming. I could see the signs..literally. Signs were posted that it was almost Girl Scout cookie time. CRAP!! My husband and I started eating low carb, AGAIN.  73rd time is a charm, right? 🙂  I was determined that this year I would be strong and not one single box of cookies would be purchased.

Have I mentioned yet just how much I LOVE these cookies? My favorite has always been the Thin Mints, but in the past several years I’ve come to love the Caramel De-Lites (which used to be called Samoas..why did they change that?). I can’t stop at one of those things, they are sinfully good.

My Scouting Days

I was a Girl Scout. I made it through Brownies and then to the next level when I got to wear a green uniform instead of brown. I don’t remember the different stages, but I know I was pretty proud of moving up to that green dress. Our Brownie troop had a rival group of girls, and I’m trying so hard to remember what they were called. They were like Girl Scouts but, of course, not as good. I’m wanting to say they were called the Blue Jays or something like that, but I’m just not sure. I had a couple of friends that joined that group instead of Brownies. Why? I’ll never know. Maybe it was free or something. Maybe they made it up, ha!

Update: After I wrote this paragraph, I did some research on that “other” group.  The organization was Camp Fire Girls, and they were the Blue Birds.  I guess those girls didn’t just make up some other group, ha!  I ALMOST had the name right. 🙂

I loved cookie sale time. Our town was the county seat, and my mom worked at the courthouse. Back then, we didn’t have to lug the cookies around. We took orders and then delivered when they came in. My mom took me to every office on every floor of that courthouse, every year. I always had a ton of sales. It was great! Come to think of it, it probably wasn’t so great for my mom to sort through all of those orders when they came in. I never gave it a second thought, until now.

The big old courthouse of cookie sales!

Standing My Ground

Back to the present year. I was determined. Determined to stick with the low carb diet, and determined to not buy a single box of cookies. I’ve turned down my regulars, strolled by the little frozen girls by turning my head away guiltily and avoiding their smiles, and luckily nobody has come to my door (probably because the outside of my house is resembling a junkyard right now-and I’m irritated, but that’s another story to share later).

The last couple of weeks we have once again abandoned the low carb diet, although we keep insisting we will get back on track the following “Monday”. Maybe the 74th time will be a charm!

Even with this development, I haven’t purchased a box of cookies. Let me re-word that. I haven’t purchased any Girl Scout Cookies. Our local Dillons grocery store had an outrageously cheap sale on Oreos last weekend, and I bought a crapload of them. It was an impulse buy. They were gone in sixty seconds. Okay, maybe not that fast..but almost. My husband ate the entire package of double stuff before anyone else had a chance to get one cookie. That’s what happens in my house, remember this story?

That is another reason I shouldn’t buy Girl Scout cookies. I pay $4 a box and they are snarfed down within a few minutes. I eat slowly and enjoy my food, but not my family. Poof! Gone! It’s magic!

Next Year

Hopefully my regular cookie sources won’t forget me and will contact me next year, because I don’t think I can go two years without buying any. Hell, I may be poking my head out too soon and might end up buying a box or two this year. It IS a good cause, after all..and I DO like to help people out. 🙂


Added thought:   I have to say I am super proud of my original artwork on my feature photo for this page!