Life Lately (I’m Still Here)

Life Lately (I’m Still Here)

Yesterday my sister asked me when I was going to write another blog post. It’s been a while, I know,  and there are reasons for that. The main reason is that I just haven’t been feeling well lately, I’m still not exactly sure what’s been wrong but they’re doing tests.


I swear I’m usually not a hypochondriac, so this has been super weird to feel like crap for so long. My symptoms have ranged from fatigue, night sweats, nausea, some vomiting, weird intolerances such as an alcohol intolerance-suddenly I can’t even drink a half a drink without getting violently sick, strange reactions to certain foods(especially spicy foods), some days I have symptoms of severe allergies with uncontrollable sneezing (and my typical allergy season is just fall seasonal allergies), back pain, and other symptoms..but I just can’t think of all of them right now.


At this time we’re just waiting for my insurance to approve another CT scan of my adrenal glands, as I have a mass on one of the glands that was discovered years ago, but was benign when they tested back then. Some of my recent blood work showed some elevated levels that look to be related to the adrenal glands. I guess we’ll find out…maybe.


The latest strange stuff happening to me has been bouts of dizziness. I had one night that my dizziness was so extreme that I ended up in the emergency room. Every time I tried to lay down the whole room was spinning and it wouldn’t stop. This went on for hours and it scared me, actually it panicked me. In the ER they told me that they thought it was something to do with the crystals in my inner ear being off-balance and they prescribed me some stuff to take when this comes on.


This is the reason that I’m actually writing this post by talk to text. If you think my grammar looks really really bad in this,  it’s because I’m talking.


Another reason I haven’t done recent blog posts is because for some reason I am unable to upload new photographs to my blog. I’ve tried several different things to try to get them uploaded and it doesn’t work anymore. It’s probably something simple and I probably need to just put some code in or something but I’m so non-tech savvy that I don’t even know how to do that.


If I was feeling better I’m sure I would take the time to really work at it and get it straightened out, but I just haven’t had the energy to do it. Some days I feel pretty good (even normal),  but on those days I just want to do fun things instead of working on my blog, LOL. Many people have it much worse than me, healthwise..and I try to be mindful of that on a daily basis.

In the meantime I’ve been doing some re-posts of past blogs that I’ve liked, and some re-posts of some of my recipes. I have some new recipes that I would love to put on my blog, but without the ability to put pictures on it I can’t really do the recipes at this time.


Some good things have been happening in my life, too. The Kansas City Chiefs won their first Super Bowl in 50 years,  which is awesome! I cannot describe how happy this made our family.



We finally got our bathroom floor replaced after we had to remove part of it when we discovered it was rotted out.  This discovery was made when we were trying to work on our toilet because of plumbing issues that seemed to be nonstop at the time. That is still an issue from time to time but it’s either getting better or I’m just getting used to it, ha!


I have several blog posts in mind and I have been writing down my ideas when I can. I’m hoping in the spring I will be able to start writing more fun stuff.


Right now I’m lying here in my bed laughing because it’s probably only my sister that misses my blog posts. So, I guess this post is just for you , Jan (and anyone else that might wonder why I haven’t been writing posts). Excuse the crappy grammar, run on sentences, and poor layout.

Finally, (random thoughts that have nothing to do with the rest of this post)..

I decided today to finally delete some texts from my phone, because it’s been over a year since I’ve cleaned them out.  In those texts, there were several from two people that have passed away in the last year. This made me think of something that a friend and I talked about just a few days ago. Remember, life is short and unpredictable, so get rid of anger and don’t forget to love and appreciate those you have in your lives. You won’t regret it.

See you soon!  😊