Look At The Flowers !

Look At The Flowers !

Sometimes I’m not quite sure where I got my weird sense of humor.  I was going to title this Grow Where You’re Planted, and instead I had to use a Walking Dead reference that only about five percent of those reading this will understand (I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned on here that I am a huge Walking Dead fan)!  I won’t take the time to explain it, but “look at the flowers” was a key phrase in one season of the show.

I wasn’t planning a post today, but last night I noticed how pretty these looked when I was outside attempting to pull weeds (before getting ate up by mosquitoes and coming back in).  I snapped a picture and put it on Facebook as my cover photo.  This morning I was scrolling through my pictures, saw this, and immediately felt a sense of relaxation come over me.  Seriously!  It was strange.  I started thinking about the end of summer, summer’s past, old wagons, my childhood, my parents, my old house on Jefferson street, my dad’s big round metal thing filled with this stuff….it’s like I was drawn into this photo of a wagon filled with flowers.  I really didn’t even plant these flowers.  My sister was thinning out her flower beds and gave me a bunch of this (we call it rose moss, there is probably a fancier name for it).  I had the old wagon in the backyard, threw some dirt in it, and literally threw the pieces of green stuff on the dirt and just kinda shoved the bottoms in.  That was it.  I watered it.  The rain watered it.  Now it is this beautiful, picture perfect representation of summer.

So, no big long drawn-out post today.  I just wanted to show you all the pretty flowers, and tell you to grow where you’re planted (however you choose to interpret that)!  Have a good weekend, and expect a real post on Sunday! 🙂