Parking Wars

Today’s post was not planned.  Something happened today that reminded me a bit of Kathy Bates and her parking lot scene in Fried Green Tomatoes. I assume that most of you have seen this movie, but if you haven’t, you should!

I hate grocery shopping. I especially hate grocery shopping in the summer. I am a hot, sweaty, grouchy mess by the time I get to the checkout line.

Today, after loading all of my groceries into my car, my back was killing me.  I guess that’s what a case of bottled water, four 12 packs of Diet Dr Pepper, and two 8 packs of Powerade Zero will do to an out of shape person like me. However, the parking lot was unusually empty and I was pleased to see that nobody was parked in the spot directly in front of me.  That meant I could pull straight through without having to back out. Yay! I’m telling ya, little things make me happy. 😊

My happiness was short lived.

As I began to pull through, a lady in a fancy SUV zipped around the corner and started pulling into that space (even though there were several open spaces on both sides of her).  Okay, fine. I started backing up to give her that space and I noticed that she kept pulling forward.. she was waiting for me to back out completely in order for her to continue pulling forward and take my space ( so that when she finished shopping SHE wouldn’t have to back up). This struck me wrong..actually this PISSED ME OFF!!

So, the “not so nice” version of Christy emerged. I put my car in park and sat there. She stayed in her car waiting for me to finish backing out so that she could pull through to my space. I fiddled around in my car, pretended to make a phone call, played on FB, and sat there. She stared directly at me with her hands on her steering wheel. I continued to sit there. Finally, she got out of her car, shot me a “go to hell” look, and went in the store. I smiled smugly, waited until she was inside, backed out, and drove home with a feeling of mean satisfaction. 😊😊