Ramblings of an Old Grouch
It’s a Saturday. It snowed overnight, and it’s still snowing. The current temperature is 15° outside. I don’t have to work today..heck, I actually don’t have anything pressing to do at all this weekend. I can stay inside. My two cats are inside. My dog is inside. My husband is home. I can stay home, drink hot coffee, and snuggle under warm blankets watching television all day. Sounds pretty cozy, doesn’t it? Then why do I feel so pissy this morning?
Do you ever have one of those days when you just wake up grouchy but can’t pinpoint the reason for it? Today is one of those days. I want a donut. I can’t have a donut because I’m doing low carb. We started January 1st and I haven’t drifted off plan even one time (although I plan to have a cheat day tomorrow for the Chiefs game). I went to the doctor yesterday and I’ve lost 11 pounds, according to their scales. I guess I’m proud of myself for that.
It Just Comes with Age….blah, blah, blah!
Why was I at the doctor? For lack of a better term, I fu#*ed my knee up. I can remember the exact moment it happened, but nothing actually happened. It was a month ago, December 18th. My sister and I decided to do some midnight Christmas shopping at Wal-Mart. I was half way through the store and suddenly my knee started bothering me. I didn’t fall, I didn’t bump it, nothing. Just pain. I have NEVER had issues with my knees. My back, yes…but never the knees.
I hoped that it would get better on its own. I didn’t want to see a doctor, because I knew they would just tell me to ice and ibuprofen it. I knew they would also tell me to lose weight. I don’t need a doctor to tell me all that shit, so I iced it regularly, popped ibuprofen (probably too much), and went on a diet. A month later it is worse, not better. I finally broke down and went to the doctor. She told me that it could be arthritis or some other crap like that, or judging by the point of pain on the inner side of my knee, it could be a torn mcl. She sent me for an X-ray, because apparently she’ll be able to tell if it’s arthritis or whatever other crap she told me about. If it’s not that, I’ll have to do an MRI to see if it’s a torn mcl. Hopefully I’ll hear something Monday morning.
Kara has been gone for a week now. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, read this: https://cookiesandcursewords.com/changes . It’s been really odd without her here. I don’t know how many times I’ve opened her old bedroom door to check on her, or started to pack her lunch for her work (day services), started making her a dinner plate, or ran to grab her when I get ready to go somewhere. I put pop tarts on my grocery list and my husband reminded me that she was the only one in the house that ate pop tarts for breakfast. Oh, ok. It’s going to take some time to adjust, but I have to admit..it’s nice and calm. I’ve actually been sleeping through the night, which I haven’t really done in years. I’ve heard that she’s been having a hard time comprehending the changes..but she’ll adjust with a bit of time. We are going to go see her and take her to lunch in a few weeks, after we give her time to get used to he new routine.
Back to being pissed off..

I don’t like Twitter. Well, I guess I like it okay to see what other people are doing, but I don’t like it for myself. Maybe it’s because I don’t remember to do the freakin hashtag crap, but I feel like it’s pretty useless to put anything on there. Nobody (well almost nobody) ever acknowledges what I post (actually I guess it’s called tweet), and I have over a thousand followers. I’m thinking it may be that my tweets get lost in the mix of so many others, because sometimes I don’t even see them right after I post. I try to interact with others (usually other bloggers), but I just seem invisible. I feel like a middle schooler that sits by herself at lunch, ha! Yesterday I actually went through and deleted a bunch of my unacknowledged tweets. Take that! 🙂 The thought actually ran through my mind to just tweet F**K YOU and see if anyone responded. Whatever. I’m being whiny, I know it. I’ll get over it. I told you I’m in a pissy mood. Hey, doesn’t pissy mean something else in England? Hold on, I’m going to google it..
Pissing the night away..
Well, I guess “pissed” means drunk in England. That would explain why they say “pissing the night away” in the song Tubthumping. They are drinking the night away! I’d rather be drunk than my version of pissed, which is irritated.
Time to chill
I actually feel better now that I’ve completed my rant. Sometimes we just need to do that. The snow is actually beautiful. I’m ready for warm weather, but I guess I’ll enjoy what we have.
Speaking of what we have..My cousin Jane really needs prayers and/or positive thoughts right now. She’s going through a very rough time, so if you have a moment… 🙂