

I hate confrontation, always have. I actually go out of my way to hold back my opinion on many things, simply because I have enough stress in my life without bringing a bunch of bulls*%t controversy into it as well. Some people thrive on that stuff. Not me, but I’d like to share a few thoughts.



Last weekend I wrote a blog post after experiencing something that really irritated me. Many of the graduates at the local college did not return to their seats after receiving their diplomas. Some left, some stood around in the stands talking and joking loudly with family while others were still waiting for their name to be called. I even saw a few standing in the track of the football field, visiting.  I spoke to a few graduates myself (that stayed until the end of the ceremony) and was told that once this started happening, others were following just because “if they can leave, I’m leaving too”.


There were many comments on both sides. Some asked if it was a coordinated effort, a protest of some sort. No, it was not. Some stated that the ceremony was too long. Some stated that it was nobody’s business and others shouldn’t judge them.


Except…when it disrupts others that are trying to watch their graduate, it IS our business. Judging? Well, maybe I was judging in this case..but I stand firmly by my opinion that it was disrespectful and disruptive.


I fully understand that there may have been a few extenuating circumstances, but I can also feel very confident in saying the majority did not have these circumstances.


Ask anybody that knows me, I always try to look at the positive and give people the benefit of the doubt…sometimes to a fault.


Many people agreed with me, and some did not. We are all entitled to our opinion.  I received hate email for the first time since I started writing the blog. One person asked me why I didn’t “research” what happened before I wrote. Why? The answer to that is simple. I was stating MY opinion on MY blog. I was there, and this is what I saw and felt.  I started this blog because it is the one place that I feel safe to say whatever I want, whenever I want.


Hopefully these people that read the previous post will take the time to go through and read some of my other posts. I doubt it, but I’d love for them to get to know me a little better.


I actually considered removing the post, simply because of the fact that I hate confrontation. I’m not removing it, and hopefully some good will come from it. If nothing else, it made people think and react…even if it was against me.


My next post will be something lighthearted and fun, but I just felt like I needed to respond to the reactions. Thanks for reading, and have a great day!