Toilet Paper Belongs On The Roller, and Many Other Pet Peeves!

A few weeks ago, I had a crappy day. Everything was going wrong, somebody took one of my blog posts and used it as their own (changed it up a tiny bit, but still almost exactly the same), and I was in a negative mood. I really had to evaluate whether to be angry about the blog post incident, or flattered that somebody liked it enough to use it. I chose to let it go and consider it flattery. Even so, when I started brainstorming what to write about next, all I could think of were my pet peeves. I never finished the post, and decided to ask friends about their own pet peeves to include in this week’s blog. I’ll first write about a few of mine, and then I’ll list a whole bunch of fun responses that I received from many of you!
1. Toilet Paper Belongs On the Roller
This is number one for me. It drives me crazy. I really don’t give a rat’s ass whether the toilet paper falls over or under, but I just want it ON the holder/roller!! When I say ON, I don’t mean sitting on top of it as in the picture above. Nothing grosses me out more than thinking of all the people sticking their fingers in the middle hole while unrolling their toilet paper. Yuck! Can you imagine what might be on those fingers? I just don’t understand why it is so hard to simply put the new roll of t.p. on the holder. How much effort does it take?
2. “Wit”, “Bae”, “Lil”, etc..
Why do so many people type out “wit” instead of “with”? It is only ONE more letter. “He is going to the store wit him”, or “She loves to play wit her lil toy”-I don’t understand. I’m seriously not trying to offend, as I know some very nice people that write things like that, but what is the purpose? I guess I’m just old and grouchy. Don’t even get me started with how much I can’t stand when people say “bae”. The only one that can get away with it is my sister-in-law Kara. She has Down Syndrome and has been calling my 15 year old son “bae” since the day he was born…because she couldn’t pronounce “baby”. Maybe she started a trend. 🙂
3. Vague status updates and “FML”
I know I’m not the only one that feels this way about vague status updates with something like “Oh my God, NO!” , etc. No explanation, and when people ask if they are okay they usually say they don’t want to talk about it. Okay, then don’t post it. 🙂 The one I really can’t stand is “FML”. It means F–K My Life. Really? Is your life THAT horrible? Some people are fighting for their lives, and you are saying FML? Nope.
4. Thank You Cards
What happened to writing a brief thank you for a gift received? I’m not even talking about every birthday or Christmas, but what about weddings and graduations? You accepted the gift, right? Write a freaking thank you card! I’ll admit, I make my kids write thank you cards. On graduation day, I sit a stack of cards in front of them and they know what to do. In the past few years I have attended many graduation parties and weddings, and given a gift or a card with money. I believe I received one or two thank you cards. I wrote about this pet peeve on FB last year, and somebody said they didn’t feel it is right to tell somebody to write a thank you card because it wouldn’t be sincere. I don’t really give a crap if you are sincerely thankful (although you should be). I don’t even care if you verbally said thank you at your event. You got a gift, write a thank you card. Even if it’s been a long time, it is never too late.
5. Social Chameleons
I understand trying to fit in, because I’ve never really felt that I fit in with any particular crowd. That being said, it drives me nuts to see those people that act completely differently depending on who they are with at the moment (or who they are commenting to on social media). Be who you really are. That’s all I will say about that.
“A pet peeve, pet aversion, or pet hate is a minor annoyance that an individual identifies as particularly irritating to them to a greater degree than would be expected based on the experiences of others”.
Here are YOUR pet peeves….
I asked for friends and family members to tell me what their pet peeves are, and I got so many responses! I am going to list them here, in the order that I received them. Please remember that these are the opinions of those that responded, and not necessarily my own (although I agree with many of them). Some may be similar to my list as well. Thank you to Jan M, Brenda E, Sharon F, Laura S, Annie H, Julie S, Kala G, Jon H, Heather K, Teressa E, April O, Amber D, Christa T, Lyndah R, Debbie B, Lisa N, Brenda S, and several others that chose to be anonymous! 😊
- Tailgaters: “I slow way below the speed limit just to spite them.”
- “Christians” that act in a very un-Christian way, such as lying about things, looking down on others, cheating on taxes, etc.
- People who don’t use their turn signals or follow basic driving rules when they drive. “Irritates me, gives me road rage.”
- People that get pets/dogs, but leave them tied up in the yard most of the time.
- Not capitalizing the letter G in God.
- Taking ice cubes out of trays and not re-filling them.
- When in a long line of traffic and you graciously let a car into the line, but they don’t even acknowledge it with a courtesy wave.
- Grammar and spelling in social media and texting, such as saying an item is for “sell” instead of “sale”.
A Few More..
- People that don’t show up on time. If a time is set to meet, respect that time and the person you are meeting. Don’t assume that if a person works from home, you can show up whenever you feel like it.
- People that don’t send thank you cards.
- Telemarketers calling from what LOOKS like a local number, and you answer because you think it might be friends or family.
- When you hold a door open for a stranger and they don’t bother to give a thanks.
- Putting pop, milk or food related items back in the fridge with little to nothing left. Leaving stuff on kitchen counter instead of throwing away if empty.
- Eating with mouths open.
- Sniffing snot up instead of blowing your nose. 🙂
- Texting, especially when driving.
- Not flushing the toilet after use.
- Group texts (submitted by several people)
- People flinging their car door open on a busy street without looking first.
- Gum spit on the ground so that anybody that walks by will step in it.
- Sitting in a dental chair, being asked a bunch of questions and expected to answer.
- People that yell at cashiers
- People rude to waitresses , or people that don’t leave tips.
- People that order a bunch of food in the drive thru at Sonic instead of pulling into a stall. Drive thru should be for drink orders.
- People with cartloads of groceries in self-checkout.
- Not putting grocery carts in the bins that hold them (parking lots).
- Drinking straight out of milk carton (submitted by several).
- Littering
- Signs advertising something that is already over.
- Having to tell people to do something that needs done, even though they can see for themselves (but just don’t do it without being told).
- Cashiers that don’t say “thank you” when they wait on you.
- When radio stations overplay a good song until it becomes annoying to hear it..
Obviously, everyone has their own pet peeves. I believe that the reason so many people responded to this is because it’s actually therapeutic to “get it out” and vent your frustrations now and then. So, does everyone feel better now….or did reading this list irritate you even more? Have a good day! 🙂