What’s In a Name?
Have you ever wondered why your parents gave you the name you have, or do you already know the story? Perhaps you were named after a relative or friend. Maybe you were named after a character in your mother’s favorite book. I’ve even heard of someone getting their name from a popular band in the area. There is a story behind every name.
A few days ago my youngest son asked why he had such a “basic” name. I answered that it was the absolute only name that his father and I could agree on..Luke Tyler. Not Lucas, just Luke.
His father wanted Luke’s name to be Joseph Montana, after his favorite quarterback Joe Montana. I thought he was joking at first, until I learned that he had also suggested that same name when his older son (from a previous marriage) Bryan was born. No such luck then, either. He did settle for Bryan Allen..because with that middle name he had the initials BAD. 🙂
Here’s a picture of Joe Montana (as a CHIEF, of course)!

Our two girls Kristi and Michelle were also from his first marriage, and he doesn’t recall the story behind their names. I do know that Kristi’s middle name was after her grandfather on her mother’s side.
My son Clay was going to be named Dalton(after Patrick Swayze’s character in Road House, ha). Even at my baby shower, the cards were made out to baby Dalton. At the last minute, I changed my mind and decided to name him Clay, with no special meaning behind the name. My sister Lorna couldn’t stand the name and begged me not to choose it. Today, I can’t imagine my Clay with any other name.

Dex Alexander is my second oldest son. I just love that name..not Dexter, just Dex. I named him after a character Dennis Quaid played in a movie, a character named Dex.

My oldest son is Barrett Michael. I remember searching for a name in baby books, and this name was finally chosen by my ex sister-in-law. At the time, I didn’t give it much thought that his initials would be BM, or that is his name rhymed perfectly with carrot. That must’ve been fun for other kids, since Barrett also had a full head of red/orange hair. Barrett the carrot. Sorry son!!
Is it just me, or have we all thrown away potentially great names, simply because they reminded us of another person with that same name?
Another thing I tried to do after my first child(again..sorry Barrett) was to pick the shortest first names possible, specifically for one purpose. I wanted them to have an easier time when they learned to write their first name. 😊 As a former preschool teacher, I truly felt sorry for some of the little ones that came through with long, strange, complicated first names. I realize that their parents were trying to be unique, but I saw the struggles firsthand!
As for my own name, I’m not quite sure. I know that my first name was after a family friend, who actually became my godmother. My guess is that the middle name just sounded right with the first name. My husband was named after his father, both first and middle names.
I’d really love to hear your personal name stories!