What’s Up?

What’s Up?

Well, hello everyone!

It’s been several months since I’ve written a blog post, so it’s time to check in.  No, I didn’t give up my blog. Many people have been asking me this question, because I used to be so active on this page.

I’ve been busy, it’s that simple. I’ve had so many things happen that I could have written about.

My sweet little 13 year old schnauzer, Sebastian, passed away.  I experienced the gut wrenching pain of “doing the right thing” and loving on him until his last moments in our vet’s office. Letting him go was truly one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do.

We became empty nesters ( I did a brief post about it).  I’ve learned that I can eat cereal for dinner and be perfectly content with it.

I almost lost my husband. I DO plan to write about that situation when I have more motivation, but to make a long story short..he had acute kidney failure from severe dehydration and no beds available in the hospitals that could help him.  With many prayers and positive intentions we were able to get him admitted under the care of a nephrologist and by the end of the week he was discharged to go home.  As I said, this is a long story that deserves an entire blog post and will get one.

My dear ninety year old aunt passed away unexpectedly.  Even though she was ninety, she was in good health, lived on her own, and very stubbornly independent.  I’m happy that my sister and I had a nice visit and lunch with her just two weeks before she passed, but she was the last of my mother’s family and we will miss her very much.

Our daughter was just married last weekend, our son and fiancée are expecting another baby next spring, there have been a few camping trips, some job changes, a grandbaby had to be hospitalized for a week…just a lot of life happening.

I hope to find the time, energy, and motivation to start blogging regularly again. In the meantime, I’ll repost a few things (it’s getting to be Cowboy soup weather), and I don’t plan on giving up my site any time soon.

You’re stuck with me! 😂