This is not my best post, as I’m writing it from a point of raw emotion..but I definitely have something to say.
My future daughter-in-law graduated from community college last night. Congratulations to her, she worked very hard for this and we are proud of her. Sadly, there was something about an otherwise beautiful evening that greatly disturbed me. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.

Graduates were walking out in the middle of their own graduation!
The graduation was held outside in our community’s beautiful outdoor stadium. The stadium was built a few years ago, and I often wondered why the college graduations were never held there.
This was the first year to do it, and the setting was beautiful. The weather was perfect, although windy..but this IS Kansas. There were a few minor glitches, as the majority of the audience couldn’t hear the speakers. I’m sure that can be easily remedied with the stadium’s state of the art sound system. As with any new venture, we learn by trial and error.
What Am I Seeing?
Thankfully we were able to hear the names of the graduates clearly as they were called up to receive their diplomas. What a proud moment for so many! It took me back to my own graduation from Butler many years ago. I was not a traditional student. I took a few classes at a time while juggling a full time job and family, and finally received my associates degree in my late thirties. I continued my education after Butler, but this graduation meant the world to me for many personal reasons.
As I was watching the ceremonies, I noticed a young lady walk off the field and to the side after receiving her diploma. She appeared to be talking to family in the stands. Initially I was concerned because I thought maybe something was wrong…until I noticed other graduates receiving their diplomas and walking in different directions instead of returning to their seats.
Was this really happening? Were many of the graduates actually LEAVING before their graduation ceremony was completed? This moment that so many had worked so hard to complete? Yes, that is exactly what they were doing.
I know that I might be “old school”, but these student’s actions were outright disrespectful. Terrible. Even if community college graduation meant nothing to them, it meant everything to many others. Walking out of their graduation without finishing the ceremony was not only disrespectful, it was disruptive. Families in the stands were confused and wondered what was happening. Others were still trying to have their moment, to get their diploma.
I told somebody that if that was MY kid doing that, I would tell them to turn around and march their little ass right back to their seat!

This is not the fault of the college. Butler Community College made every effort for this to be a memorable moment for the graduates and their families. Some (many) graduates tarnished that memory. Shame on them.