Deviled Egg Easter Chicks ( Fun Method)
Oh, Pinterest. There are so many cute little recipes and crafts to turn any holiday or occasion into a showstopper. It looks so adorable , and so very easy.
Newsflash! Some of those Pinterest projects are FAR from easy! My sister Jan has dubbed herself the “queen of Pinterest fails”.
Her “witches finger” cookies looked more like dinosaur claws, or something else indescribable.

Her attempt to make dinner rolls in the shape of cute little bunnies also didn’t fare so well.

BOTTOM: Jan’s bunny roll
When Jan saw pictures of cute little deviled egg chicks, she thought these would be perfect to whip up and bring for Easter dinner. They appeared to be very simple to make as well.
Because she had so much to do on Easter morning, Jan opted to prepare the Easter chicks on the evening before. Her friend Danny was visiting for the holiday, and they began working on the chicks together.
It didn’t take long before they realized that their eggs were looking just a bit different than the pretty Pinterest pictures they had seen. Frustration, paired with a few beers, resulted in these “Not Your Average” deviled Easter egg chicks. Regardless of appearances, they still tasted great and were the hit of the Easter celebration!
"Not Your Average" Deviled Egg Easter Chicks
These step by step instructions may not result in the PRETTIEST chick eggs, but we guarantee you'll have more fun making them! They also taste delicious!