My Best Valentine’s Day Ever..Plus a Few Tips
Childhood Valentine Memories…
Whenever I bring up the subject of Valentine’s Day, many people grimace and express their distaste for this particular holiday. I get it…some people think that it means nothing if they don’t have a significant other in their lives. Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to be about romance. It can and should be about so much more.
I’ve always loved this day. When I was in grade school, we would make Valentine boxes at home and bring them to school. How many of you remember doing that? My mom would help me make my box every year, and I still smile at those memories. My box was never the fanciest or the most creative, but it was mine..and held a lot more importance to me than just the finished product. Of course, I didn’t realize just how important it was at the time. Thinking back, it was truly all about the time spent with my mom picking out the materials and making the box each year. I think she enjoyed it as much as I did. If she didn’t she did a great job of pretending for my benefit. My sweet mom..I miss her.
Are Valentine boxes even a thing anymore? It seems that of of my kids decorated paper sacks at school for their Valentine receptacles. Maybe it is because too many kids were coming up empty handed and teachers don’t want any child to feel left out. Maybe it became too much of a competition to have the biggest and the best. I think I may have helped my older kids decorate a box or two, but the tradition has definitely faded. Some schools don’t even celebrate holidays anymore. When I worked as a pre-school teacher for Head Start, we were no longer allowed to celebrate traditional holidays. We found creative ways around this, because it was so much fun for the kids (and us). Instead of Halloween, we celebrated a “fall festival”. At Christmas, we still put up a tree decorated with bird nests, snowflakes, icicles, and lights. We called it our “winter party”. Valentine’s Day turned into “friendship week”. I feel that it is important to keep those traditions and memories going, even if it means adapting a bit.

Creating Memories with the Kids..
Once I had my own kids, Valentine’s Day became more about them than myself. Some people give their children huge, elaborate gifts for Valentine’s Day. Not us. Usually I would give each kid a simple box of chocolates and a stuffed animal, or a flower. My husband always complained that even that was too much, but I ignored him like I usually do! I’ve tried to explain to him that our small tokens are nothing compared to what many of their friends received from parents. Some parents actually send huge flower bouquets to the school! Hey, if they can afford it, more power to them!
The picture above are cinnamon applesauce heart ornaments that I made with the grandkids last year. We’ve also done this at Christmas for gingerbread man ornaments. The recipe is simple…one half cinnamon and one half applesauce. It forms into a play-dough consistency and can be rolled out and cut with cookie cutters. Lay them out on newspapers to dry for a day, flipping over once to dry both sides equally well. Hang them or place them anywhere around the house (on the tree for the Christmas ones). This is a fun activity and it makes the house smell fantastic for days!! Just remember…do NOT eat them. They are nasty. I took a bite once just to see…and the cinnamon is overwhelming. 🙂
My Favorite Valentine Memory as an Adult
As a teenager and adult, Valentine’s Day takes on a different meaning. Flowers, candy, and jewelry are nice..but my absolute favorite adult Valentine memory has nothing to do with material things.
Our oldest daughter Michelle loved to cook as a pre-teen. She wanted to be a chef, and she would spend hours looking at cookbooks and planning meals. More than once, she would plan romantic dinners at home for her dad and I. One Valentine’s day she asked if she could make dinner for us. Now, this was years ago, so the details may be a little bit fuzzy. After finding the perfect meal in a cookbook, she made a grocery list. I went to the store and purchased exactly what was on her list, with no clue as to how it would all come together.
On Valentine’s Day, we were told to stay completely away from the kitchen/dining area. She cooked and prepared. When she finally called us in, she had created a Valentine wonderland. Sheets were hung from the ceiling in order to make a private, romantic setting for us. The table was set with candlelight and flowers. Our first course was a wonderful salad, and our entree was a baked dorito chicken (which she cooked to perfection). Dessert was absolutely delicious, and beautiful as well. She had baked brownies and cut them into heart shapes with ice cream and drizzled with chocolate syrup. She also prepared dinner for the other kids, but made them eat elsewhere and leave us alone. I’m sure her sister Kristi helped out a lot with watching all of the other kids through the evening.
It was simple, but it was wonderful. I don’t know if she realizes the impact it had on me, but this was by far my favorite Valentine’s day.

Michelle has grown into a beautiful, responsible adult with four adorable children of her own. I hope that someday one of her children will do something like that for her. She deserves it.
A Few Ideas to Create a Special Valentine’s Day
This year, I hope that each of you create your own special memory. Whether it is a celebration with your love, your children, or yourself. Do you need to have a sweetheart or a lot of money to do this? Absolutely not! Here are a few ideas to create a special day..
- Treat YOURSELF to a good meal at your favorite restaurant.
- Make YOURSELF a decadent dessert, and enjoy every bite!
- Create a list of 10 things that make you happy. Pick 1 thing from the list, and do it!
- Buy a cheap bouquet of flowers from the grocery store/supermarket. Go to the nearest nursing home, visit with the residents, and give each a flower from the bouquet. Don’t forget to get permission from staff first. 🙂
- Visit a neighbor or friend that may be spending the day alone.
- Order a pizza and binge watch something on Netflix. Think of all the reasons to be thankful you’re single!
- Call a relative that you haven’t seen for a while. Call, don’t text ( I’m terrible at this).
- Tell someone how much you appreciate them and why.
- Make a Valentine box like you did in grade school. Cut strips of paper, write down things you like about yourself and put them in the box.
- Do a random act of kindness for a stranger. 🙂