Drug Addiction: A Mother’s Story

Drug Addiction: A Mother’s Story

Putting painful memories into words is difficult for me. The first time I sat down to write, a pounding headache forced me to stop after a few paragraphs. All families have some sort of issues that are just hard to talk about, but if sharing 

Tonight I Wrote a Blog Post

Tonight I Wrote a Blog Post

Tonight I wrote a blog post.     I wrote a blog post about something that has been eating away at me for over three years. I wrote in detail about the hurt and anger I’ve been feeling for a certain former acquaintance, but managed 

Back to School: Savor the Moments

Back to School: Savor the Moments

Today I asked my youngest son, my baby boy, if he would like to go school supply shopping on Thursday evening. His reply? “Not really. Can you just pick a few things up for me?”.   This afternoon we went to his primary care doctor 

Should Halloween Be Moved?

Should Halloween Be Moved?

I’ve been reading the news lately that there is a huge petition circulating asking to officially change Halloween to the last Saturday in October. The main reason behind this is convenience, as it is difficult to celebrate on a weeknight when kids have school the 



I hate confrontation, always have. I actually go out of my way to hold back my opinion on many things, simply because I have enough stress in my life without bringing a bunch of bulls*%t controversy into it as well. Some people thrive on that 

What Happened to Respect?

What Happened to Respect?

This is not my best post, as I’m writing it from a point of raw emotion..but I definitely have something to say. My future daughter-in-law graduated from community college last night. Congratulations to her, she worked very hard for this and we are proud of 

What Is YOUR Most Embarrassing Moment?

What Is YOUR Most Embarrassing Moment?

Every one of us has had at least one terribly embarrassing moment in our lives. I know that I’ve had my share, that’s for sure!   Heck, just yesterday I tripped coming out of my front door with a Superman kite in my hands! My 

Ever Heard of Chub Rub? What NOT to Do!!

Ever Heard of Chub Rub? What NOT to Do!!

I share a lot in my blog posts, and sometimes they are quite difficult to write.  Many times I share personal life experiences in the hope that I can help somebody else that may be in a similar situation.  After some long, hard thought I 

Think Before You Judge….

Think Before You Judge….

I saw another one of those posts on Facebook today. It was one of those posts that said something like “get a job” to those on food assistance programs. The worst part about that post is that it came from someone in the career field 

Ramblings of an Old Grouch

Ramblings of an Old Grouch

It’s a Saturday. It snowed overnight, and it’s still snowing. The current temperature is 15° outside. I don’t have to work today..heck, I actually don’t have anything pressing to do at all this weekend. I can stay inside. My two cats are inside. My dog